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How to add a Provider to a Channel

A step-by-step guide to integrating and adding a provider to a Courier notification channel.

Rodrigo Rojas avatar
Written by Rodrigo Rojas
Updated over a week ago

A ! symbol or a disconnected plug icon on a notification channel indicates the channel does not have an integrated Provider. Until you add an integrated provider, you won't be able to send the Notification via that channel.

  • If you've already configured an Integration for the Channel type(s) in your Notification you'll be able to add them with a single click.

  • If you haven't already completed an Integration for the Channel type, you will need to configure one.

There are two places to configure a Provider integration:

  1. The Channel Settings in the Notification you're designing

  2. The Integrations tab of the Courier app.

1. Integrate a Provider via the Channel Settings

If your channel indicates that there are 0 providers integrated, hover over the channel and click the settings icon โš™๏ธ .

Image of email channel with zero providers integrated and settings icon open on hover.

The Channel Settings allow you to add integrations from the Designer view in the Notification you're currently building by:

  1. Clicking Add Integration and EITHER

  2. Selecting a Channel Integration that is already configured OR

  3. Configuring a new integration

Select a Provider Integration

Adding a configured Integration to a Channel

  1. Click "Add Integration".

  2. Select one (or more) of your configured integrations.

Add a Configured Email Provider Integration in Courier

Configuring an Integration via the Channel Settings

  • The requirements to configure an integration depend on the specific Channel Provider.

  • The Integration form will indicate all the information needed from your provider account to complete the configuration.

Configure a New Integration in Courier


If you've successfully integrated your channel, you will see the provider icon when you close the Channel Settings. If you've configured more than one provider, you will see a count of the number of providers.

NOTE: the configuration process does not validate the integration information you've provided.

Sendgrid logo in the channel tab indicating succesful integratoin

2. Integrating a Channel via the Integrations Tab

The Integrations tab allows you to add new integrations, view and manage installed Integrations, and see the entire catalog of Courier Integration options.

The integrations tab icon highlighted in the left hand navigation bar.

To configure a new Integration:

  1. Open the Integrations tab.

  2. Choose your channel provider from the Integration Catalog.

  3. Configure the integration by completing the form with the required information.

  4. You will see your newly configured provider in the Installed Integrations section.

  5. Open the Notification Designer and follow the steps outlined above for adding a configured Integration to a Channel.

Selecting the Integrations Tab in Courier

Note: The specific information required depends on the provider. Note also that Courier does not validate your configuration in the Integration dialogue.

Installed Integrations View

View of Installed Integrations in Courier

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